Lastly , the advantages that can you get when life in Polytechnic Nilai is convenienct Food Stalls.
All Polytechnic has food stall but in our polytechnic it different.
Picture of Food stall
• In
our polytechnic , the food stall management is using marketing concept.For
example , the price of food in our polytechnic is reasonable for student and
also give good service.
• Have
wifi in
food stall.For
example , student can do their assignment or using internet at food stall while
the student eating.
• The
product at food stall is satisfies a need or want student.
For the conclusion :
For the conclusion :
We suggest to you all come to our polytechnic Nilai
and feel life in
our polytechnic.If
you In Our Polytechnic Nilai
you can get many Advantages and also can use this advantages for you need and
want. College life requires to spending a lot of money. With this service,
students are able to reduce the cost of their spending. In addition, this
service also provides comfort to the students because it
provide need and wants for customer. Hence,
this service is to help students easy
their work.
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