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Lastly , the advantages that can you get when life in Polytechnic Nilai is convenienct Food Stalls.
All Polytechnic has food stall but in our polytechnic it different.

   Picture of Food stall

•   In our polytechnic , the food stall management is using marketing concept.For example , the price of food in our polytechnic is reasonable for student and also give good service.

•  Have wifi in food stall.For example , student can do their assignment or using internet at food stall while the student eating.

  The product at food stall is satisfies a need or want student.

For the conclusion :

         We suggest to you all come to our polytechnic Nilai and feel life in our polytechnic.If you In  Our Polytechnic Nilai you can get many Advantages and also can use this advantages for you need and want. College life requires to spending a lot of money. With this service, students are able to reduce the cost of their spending. In addition, this service also provides comfort to the students because it provide need and wants for customer. Hence, this service is to help students easy their work.

 In addition , in our polytechnic Nilai also have advantages in transport facilities.
 as well you all know , transport is important to us because it can give many benefit to student also.

Picture of Bus polytechnic Nilai

Picture of Car for rental

  In our polytechnic have a bus transport from polytechnic nilai to seremban,nilai and putrajaya .For an example student can save their money because of the cost is much more cheap and reasonable for student and also student can reach their destination safely.
  In our poli also have car rental service . For an example when student have a emergency or personal problem they can use this service. And also when student have outdoor project such as softskill , research they can use this service because it can make their work easily.

The Next Advantages if life in Polytechnic Nilai is facilities of retail mart.
This Retail Mart is like convenience stores.With this advantages student no need to search far stores or convenience stores because in polytechnic have retail mart.

The figure of Retail Mart

The figure of the apperal & accessori

Retail mart is consist need and want to polytechnic student.For example , it may consist of an variety of methods , including cafeteria , retail good and apperal & accessoris.
•  Customer satisfaction.For Example , in the retail mart we also have wifi facilities to student that spent time in retail mart cafeteria.
The price in retail mart is reasonable for student.For Example , student in polytechnic cannot to worry abought price in retail mart and student also can save their money.
  Retail mart also provided special coupons and discounts for student.For example , special pricing for student that every item purchased , aslo provided special coupons for retail mart card holders and discounts for the amount they spend in purchases.


I Want Tell About The Advantages In Our Polytechnic
Polytechnic Nilai !!

That Are Many Advantages If Life In Polytechnic Nilai
As well You All Know , Polytechnic Nilai is the new Polytechnic In Malaysia.
Polytechnic Nilai is The 23rd Polytechnic in Malaysia.

Firstly , the advantages that you can get for our polytechnic is facilities cybercafe.With the advantages sit can facilitate student work or can fill leisure time.

The figure of Cybercafe In Our Poli Nilai

  • Email, Instant Messaging (IM), online user groups and message boards all facilitate communication with faculty and classmates.For example , student can ask questions and engage in dialogue about their course material at virtually any time and place and easy to communicate.
  • Easy Assignment Submission and find information.For example , students who do not have laptop and live on campus can use cybercafe to find information for assignments and can submit their assignment to lecterur from Polytechnic campus.
  • Social Networking.For example , when Leisure time or bored in our polytechnic student can spent their time with social networking like facebook and twitter , the methodology eduction fo student is finding new and improve ways.
  • Printed service in our cybercafé polytechnic .For example , have anytime printed service for student to print their assignments and anything their need to print .   



Do You all Know how life-in polytechnic?  
Their feelings living in the polytechnic?
Happy? or Sad?

I think living in polytechnic is happy because it can give we many facilities.

as students, we have to appreciate what it is and can facilitate the work of students.
I want tell you all about my polytechnic.
My Polytechnic Nilai Negeri Sembilan

                                                  The figure for infront Polytechnic Nilai

                                         The figure of Jabatan Pentadbiran Polytechnic Nilai

The figure of whole Polytechnic Nilai 

The Launching Opening Polytechnic Nilai